Halberd Fern

Tectaria incisa 
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Pteridophyta
Order: Polypodiales
Family: Tectariaceae
Genus: Tectaria
Species: incisa

Ferns are plants that do not flower. They usually reproduce by formation of spores. They bear roots, stem & leaves. 

Occurence: Tectaria is a genus of fern in the family Tectariaceae. It is a Pteridophye. It is native to Mexico, Central & South America, West Indies.

Description: It is terrestrial or epilithic (on rock) in habitat. Rhizomes are stout, short-creeping, with brownish black scales. Its leaves are (fronds) pale green, once pinnate, fertile & sterile fronds similar in shape & size. Petioles are as long or longer than blades, pale brown above, dark brown & scaly at base.

Structure: The midrib is the main axis of the blade, and the tip of the frond is its apex. The blade may be variously divided, into segments called pinnae; single leaflets are pinna. Pinna may be further divided, the smallest segments are pinnules.